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To these slackers that saw this as an easy way to skip class, what can furries say, except “you’re welcome”?

And to those alleged adults online worried about our kid’s future because of the furries. These kids seem to be clearly far cleverer than you to take advantage of this situation you created to get out of work. They’ll be just fine and can get back to their studies, as long as you stop giving them such easy get out of class free cards like this.

Though perhaps more likely is that the future will fall upon those students who didn’t take advantage of this situation for selfish reasons and kept to their studies. Moving themselves further ahead towards their own productive futures, while the protestors let themselves fall even further behind. So much for no child left behind, as long as they succumb to internet rumors their parents also believe. No worries everything will be just fine, your kids will be as dumb as you, just as you always wanted.


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