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Okay, bored on a Saturday morning, so kind-of-gross, more-or-less-baseless speculation on innocent children's characters' sexualities and sex lives (one star dude, this is the one you need to get on!).

🐼Po-Asexual, but not aromantic. He's a panda, the only species in the world in danger of extinction due to lack of interest in sex, but in the movie he's also just kind of a big goof who's more interested in kung fu than relationships. Obviously had a crush on Tigress, and fantasizes about being thought of as "handsome", so he's not against a relationship or completely lacking in any sexual attraction, so not aromantic, and heterosexual in his limited yearnings, but it's still more of a case of "it would be cool to be Tigress's boyfriend" rather than "I want Tigress".

🐯Tigress-Aromanctic, and probably also asexual. Mostly just basing this off the movies, but also vague recollections of the Legends of Awesomeness TV show Nightstar recommended; when it backs me up, I use it as evidence. When it doesn't, I don't. But, anyway, TV Tigress literally has stated "romance is a distraction" (points for me!) but also had a crush on Po in disguise for an episode (so ignoring that). Anyway, perhaps in another world, she had some kind of sexuality, but in this setting she seems to have trained herself out of one, though as I don't think that's really possible, I doubt she had much interest to begin with.

🐍Viper-Probably heterosexual, and feels like one of two members of the Furious Five most likely to have any sort of relationship, sexual, romantic or otherwise, outside of "work". The movies imply she's not only the nicest of the five, but also is considered "the hot one" in universe.

🐵Monkey-Gay. This is a "Charlton Heston as Ben-Hur" situation.

🏗️🪽Crane-Heterosexual. One of the DVD shorts clearly implied he had a crush on a leopardess. However, he's kind of shy, and probably just gave up on sex when he started kung fu, so probably still a virgin.

🦗Mantis-Heterosexual. Married as of the last movie, in fact. Seeing as how this is actively life-endangering for his species, very heterosexual. In order the marry, he had to be at least socially active, as well.

🔴🐼Shifu-Heterosexual. Legends of Awesomeness had an entire episode about his ex, but he's old and cranky and hasn't been laid in decades, now.

🐢Oogway-Gay. He just feels like an old queen. Probably had a thing with Kai beyond "battle brothers".

🪿Mr. Ping-Gay. Always felt like a "dedicated bachelor" archetype, but the last two movies made it about as explicit as you can get while still remaining implicit with the "Po's two Dads" bit with Li Shan.

🐼Li Shan-Bisexual. Definitely actually loved Po's mother, so not a case of marrying against his own sexuality, but he did shack up with Ping pretty quickly. Yeah, I ship them, I guess.

🦊Zhen-Bisexual, but in about the same way Tigress is asexual. A Daniel Craig era Bond type character. She's a con artist, and is willing to use her looks to get what she wants, so she'll at least flirt with anyone. Sure, in the movie it's "I'm a cute little innocent foxy, uwu!" rather than "I'm a cute little not-so-innocent vixen, also uwu, if you know what I mean" she uses to manipulate people (she's still a kid's cartoon character, so they're all "asexual" that way), so there's not a lot of evidence other than character archetype to go on.

❄️🐆Tai Lung-Probably similar to Tigress, in that he spent his entire life dedicated to pursuit of a goal to the extent he never really developed a sexuality. However, Ian McShane's vocal performance does have a whiff of leftover "gay Disney villain" vibes.

🦚Lord Shen-Gay. Gary Oldman's villains always have more than a little camp, and he is awfully pretty.

🐃Kai-Well, if I have him as Oogway's secret gay ex, I mean, I guess I already answered that one.

🦎The Chameleon-Bisexual, and kind of non-binary, as she has no qualms about transforming into a dude. Going by character archetype of evil sorcerer, kinky as fuck, just really not PC villain here (also has that tongue). Makes me worry about her treatment of Zhen, a little.

🐺Wolf Boss-Heterosexual, based on species. He's the leader of the pack, meaning he's probably literally a father to a lot of his underlings. Also, I just can't imagine Danny McBride playing a homosexual character.


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