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We don't often talk about box office news, and technically I'm not right now (this is a comment and under no editorial jurisdiction), but Kung Fu Panda 4 actually had the second best opening weekend in the franchise's history, right behind the first one. Now, there have been some not very good things happening at DreamWorks, which kind of gives that a bitter aftertaste, but the franchise should continue on without a problem. There are other factors other than people just like the movie; Migration basically stayed in theaters until it passed the baton to KF4, so there wasn't a good "family" moving playing until now. Ironically, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was the movie that did the "whole winter" thing last year (and, theoretically, it probably should have been Wish this year, but boy that movie flopped). But there is a lot of good will for the franchise, still.


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