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Yeah, they debuted it at the Toronto International Film Festival, which is basically saying "we're going for the Oscar" (it worked for The Boy and the Heron last year), and it's basically going over gangbusters, so probably safe to pencil it in for Best Animated Feature at the 97th Academy Awards. It also has a "narrative"; this is the last "in-house" DreamWorks movie, and it'll only be their third (if you even give them Curse of the Were-Rabbit) win, and Chris Sanders is a multi-nominee in the category.

I've heard Best Picture nom brought up already; it doesn't have a situation like last year where where Spider-Verse 2 and The Boy and the Heron knock each other out, and Pinocchio did have a lot of buzz before fading back to just the Animated Feature, but since the re-expansion back to a guaranteed, "solid" ten nominees, something's gotta push through eventually. Up and Toy Story 3 made it in solid ten years, though that implies maybe we have to wait for Pixar and/or Disney to get their mojo back before we start getting animated BP noms.


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