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BUT ANYWAY, the real thing I would like to say is that, ironically, my real feelings on generative AI is that in 50 years, when general history books get written, it won't even be mentioned. It's barely even a fad; it's a shoddy product that is not user friendly, unintuitive, and just generally so bad at what it's supposed to do that the ethics are kind of beside the point.

Like, we may one day have a technology that allows us to think things and then have them instantly created for us, but I just don't think it'll be ultimately realized by taking all the words and pictures on the Internet and then having a computer partially digest them and projectile vomit them back up, you know?

In the meantime, fan art is fun and mostly harmless, but I would strongly advise against taking up generating AI art as a hobby, partially because there are ethical issues, but mostly because you're going to be learning a skillset that will be completely useless by the end of the decade, if it lasts that long. If you just really enjoy it, well, okay, but don't be surprised if you get a lot of side eye from people!

Yeah, I think I better just leave now (it's time to go when the all caps busts out like last comment)! Please read my latest review, like and subscribe, rate and leave a comment on it! Peace out!

P.S. If anyone knows what NRG was referencing with the Wendy's sign reference, I'm genuinely curious.


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