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If the creator doesn't like that a copy of a character not using their personal likeness is being used in a certain manner, then they don't have to look at it. Unless they are being bothered directly, it's entirally stupid to accuse that as sexual harassment. I'm not going to sit here and believe that the thousands of artists who made many nsfw nick wilde characters are sexual harassors of whoever made nick and I'm pretty sure the creator isn't exactly comfortable with that smut existing.

Also I was focused on many fictional characters entirally like Pokémon, Nick Wilde, bugs freaking bunny. I don't think a typical fursonas is the same as an actual likeness but I can understand some of that, though many often take inspiration from many fursonas and many new characters and back to the other argument, it's ridiculous to treat a completely fictional character the same as if it's the artist just because they created it.


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