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If I can both interrupt the anon(s) dunking not actually very well on the poster known as KDNightstar and introduce some possibly even more insulting keyboard psycho-analysing, but Nightstar has pointed out they are an artist themselves, even with a comic.

I'm just wondering if Nightstar has been the victim of some toxic fan art themselves; just setting aside bootlegging problem, there are also definitely some disrespectful ways to do fanart. For instance, pornographic fanart of a character not really meant to be, especially if the character also represents the artist, is basically straight up sexual harrassment, especially if the original character creator has expressly said they prefer not. Similarly, even a character creator that is okay with pornographic still probably has some limits; the "that's gore of my comfort character" meme comes to mind. And some fans can be oddly insistent on their right to ask for and receive the blessing of the original artist, so that even if the original creator at first didn't really give a fuck what fan artists did to their creations, the little fucks got kind of annoying about it anyway. And then there's the "your art sucks, I created my own improved version because I'm better than you" assholes.

Like, I don't think AI and fan art are really that equivalent, and Nightstar's argument just really isn't that compelling. It comes of less as a defense of AI and more an indictment of fan art; I'm just wondering if Nightstar has a (probably completely earned) bee in their bonnet on the subject.


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