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If people object to using an art generating program because it harms artists, they should go and commission works from more artists.

The internet is full of art thieves.

Not to pick on 2cross at all, but this is an example that is easy to point to--where did he get his avatar image from? Did he pay an artist to draw a picture of Judy Hopps and Nick Wylde, an artist who paid Disney a licensing fee to use their intellectual property, or did he find a cute picture in an image search?

And assuming he did pay someone who legally was able to use someone else's IP to create and sell art, how many other people on the Internet bother to track down the source of the picture they find to use as an avatar image?

All those pictures of Hasbro's "My Little Pony" characters, all those Zootopia pictures, all those fan art images--unless the users paid an artist who got a license to draw them, are stolen art.

I think that many of the people who are screaming about how unfair AI "art" is, also hate Disney for repeatedly doing end-runs around copyright law in order to prevent its IP from falling into public domain.


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