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I think you need to buy the 3D props and models for things like DAZ and Sketchfab.

I have several friends who work with 3D modelling. Some create their figures "from the ground up", and rig them themselves. Another guy uses stuff like the Aiko female figure and other props he gets online to composite his scenes.

An artist uses tools to create. Pens, pencils, paper, paint, styluses and tablets don't do anything on their own. Photoshop and other computer art programs enable artists to paint and composite digitally. And yes, artists learn by copying the work of other people. Art schools take students to museums and tell them to go look at the exhibits and draw them.

"AI art" generators are just a new type of tool to help people who can't draw or paint in the old fashioned way to give expression to what they see in their heads.


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