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This stuff recently decided to "upgrade" onto my laptop like a virus or U2 album or something, but I'll agree with a little fiddling, yeah, I'm really questioning Green Reaper's choice of example here. Then again, he did seem to think I would care about the tech specs instead of end result, so whatever.

AI cross fox

This is a bare bones prompt of "furry cross fox with glasses", which I don't think it knows what a cross fox is (but who does and also maybe it "thought" I meant cross-as-in-grumpy, which, fair enough), the lack of pants is disturbing (the worst of the four featured a shorts-fusing-into-fur glitch and the same sport jacket but without a shirt, though two of the four did wear pants), he's wearing two watches (one managed three tails, which, once again, fair enough with the prompt, but also, an extra hand, so not so good) and finally I'm not sure why it decided all four needed to be stuck up a tree.

I then tried to make a vixen, but it told me that prompt was blocked; I think it was the word "vixen" especially it didn't like. "Female furry fox" first got real foxes, then fursuiters, and finally really chibi. Note that I was gender-neutral in my original prompt, and I got very masculine examples. I'll leave it to the amateur sociologists to parse why it had so much comparative trouble with making a girl fox. Got a bit more specific, decided, fuck it, show me what you got, let's generate that slasher screenplay I wrote a decade ago's protagonist. From the twisted mind of crossaffliction (and Dall3) ...

AI slasher female cross fox

Love that it gave her a mid-riff, though, uh, that's also the worst area. Also, she seems a bit happy to have just watched all her friends be murdered, and I don't know what the fuck is up with that white patch on her leg under the bandage (nice detail that, but I think it confused itself). My much more specific villain though is just not happening.

(The full size images are available if you right click and open in new tab, by the way; I made thumbnails!)


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