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When I've used the Bing generator, I quickly learned that the more detailed the description you wrote, the closer you got to something usable. And I mean, like, having to make sure I specified eye color, hair color, fur color, expression, and so on.

Full disclosure, I was seeing what it could do with my comic strip characters. I'd describe a character, it would chug away for a minute or two, and cough out four pictures. Some it nailed beautifully right out of the box (if you overlooked the fingers thing...) And some made me wonder what dope it had been smoking (I most definitely did not ask for a taur hyena with pink hair...)

But it has its limitations. In my case, even specifying "--with a white muzzle" did not get me a tan-colored blue-eyed, blonde-haired hyena with a white muzzle and reddish-brown spots. And I tried. I think I have at least thirty images and twenty-seven of them have the standard dark muzzle common to spotted hyenas. Some of the pictures looked like "fan fic" art of my characters. From photorealstic to anime chibi. But very few of them were dead on.

I did get two portraits that I consider breath-takingly accurate, even though they technically are not, but I have no way of presenting them here. However, the majority of the images--including architectural prompts--are way, way off.

If you want to fiddle around with AI generation, GreenReaper, I'd recommend Bing. If you have a Microsoft email account, it's fast and free and the images rendered don't look like...well, janky pigs with eight fingers on one paw. (This is not spam or a plug, it's just a friendly recommendation. I haven't tried any of the other generators personally.)


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