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Lowd has actually dabbled in AI Text, and she called the output of it "autistic", and claimed [I believe this is why people are criticizing AI because neuro-typical can't see thing the way autistic see them] which is really a strawman and kind of really opened herself to being seen as saying [AI writing output sucks because it's autistic], which then lends to the ablest interpretation.

One can say it wasn't her intent to be demeaning, but as she's a writer, she should be aware of how to write a statement more clearly and in a way that wouldn't be seen that way if she meant no ill will.

There's also another issue that I have with the way she uses AI, but I'll save that commentary until after my Thursday video on the matter comes out, it's a larger behavior that I've seen more than just Mary commit when it comes to AI generation, and it's a bit troublesome for me.


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