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"Just an FYI: From what else I have gathered since, it seems this first report was exaggerated. Based on what people who were there have said:
-It was regular police, not FSB
-The event ended only 2 hours early
-No one was forcibly dispersed or detained
-Cops found no violations"

"A false tip that their group was handing out propaganda" echoes a previous story of a raid by Russian police on a fur meet, one of the organizers claimed that they were targeted when a provocateur joined them, someone they didn't know. "His social media was deleted and it’s unknown if it was a real name, and they’re unable to find a police report in his name. He was called a non-furry provocateur working for the authorities."

This type of confusion is very common with news from Russia. There are people who organize their groups who are either obedient to government or work for it to do internal suppression before and after incidents. Including Russian furs in the military who share nationalist and anti-Ukraine propaganda. That info comes from other Russian furs.

What is clear is the pressure on fandom events and LGBT people is systematic and involves think-tank like groups proposing legislation to specifically ban furries. Some screenshots of it:


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