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My position is that we should be separated by race

Uh, let's just say I do respect you enough to think this is a really unfortunate typo and there should be a "n't" at the end of your "should" (especially as your concluding sentence thankfully contradicts this statement). But I do still object to this:

we should embrace other cultures and the aspects of them which improve our own.

#DontHugMeBro, but once again, we're seeing your fuzzy understanding of "consent". If another culture wants to help you improve your culture by sharing theirs, sure, fine, but if someone says they don't want you to take their shit, usually it's at least rude to, you know, take their shit. The ends do not justify the means; progress and improvement through theft leads to cultural trauma. And don't tell me that's not real; it's real enough you apparently have an avoidance complex to even the idea that crimes of the past might still have consequences today to the point you apparently got offended by me even saying they happened. (You also don't like consequences in general, if I recall.)

Your statement implies that "improving" your culture is more important than respecting someone else's; that's the really racist part, because the implication is that, once again, your culture is more important. Your racism is not a racism based on hatred of other races, but in entitled sense of superiority. Your ethos in most things is basically, "You should let me play with your toys because I can play with them better than you." (You actually do kind of keep implying this; you lack a certain sense of humility, Rakuen.) It's not that you believe your "race" is superior, but you do believe your "culture" is, and you refuse to acknowledge that your culture does advantage your race (but that's a whole 'nother thing).

Your feelings on violence are a bit beside the point; you commit intellectual violence, like, all the time, and argued passionately in defence of sexual violence to the point you're kind of notorious for it. Your protests of innocence along those lines is a matter of degree, at best. You have sided with intellectual thieves and rapists before; maybe you're more the "defraud" than "murder", but stealing is something you are very capable of justifying to yourself. If I sound vitriolic, it's because I am. You are kind of the anthropomorphic personification of the idea of the "banality of evil" sometimes.


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