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I don't know if you've realized after spending so much time interacting with people on the internet, but peppering questions is not really seen as a position of strength these days.

If you don't know about the history of indigenous Americans at this point, or where you can go to find those answers on your own then I don't know what to tell you. Especially given you have a PhD.

Some of us are working 60 hours a week while you sit hear asking questions you have clearly shown you should be able to find the answers to on your own.

How a person feels, or doesn't feel about said history is not really your's to change. And peppering questions isn't some form of exorcism that you're going to use to convince people away from said feelings. Especially when your statements after the first question showed that the first question may have been less than genuine and you kind of knew what was being alluded to.


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