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I just think it's a bit odd that we have a fan-run and funded award for a category of work that doesn't "need" it - even on the fan side. I mean, sure, maybe it helps people who are on the edge of whether to see a certain movie, and it gives those who are direct fans of a particular property a reason to [ask people to] nominate and vote for it, and maybe they'll do other categories at the same time. But actual promotion? We're not quite back in the day where you had to mail off or even go to the movie store and rent or buy something to check it out anymore.

While it's possible some staff at such companies know of the Ursa Majors, I doubt it motivates the creation of or effort towards furry movies. That might be slightly more effective if the category existed solely for works by smaller studios - "Best Indie Movie", whatever that means..

I do hope we'll get to the point of a fan-made movie actually having a realistic chance of winning, but I think it'll take quite a while. That's why sports have amateur and professional categories, after all - the difference in resources available is so vast.

And yes, the Star Fox entry would be more obviously a short if it took out some of its pauses. Some are for dramatic effect, of course. I'm guessing it actually was available to supporters in smaller chunks on Patron and the like (which goes into the whole "Patreon is paywalling the fandom" argument, but I guess few can dedicate their time without some reward along the way - if we actually get a viable movie category candidate I expect it'll be there or otherwise crowdfunded first).


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