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Guess I'll join the chorus and add in some of the items that were not on the Recommended List that I think should be:

The Amazing Maurice, directed by Toby Genkel and Florian Westermann, January (North American release)
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, directed by Steven Caple Jr, June
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie, directed by Cal Brunker, September
Baby Shark's Big Movie, directed by Alan Foreman, September
Under the Boardwalk, directed by David Soren, November
Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, directed by Sam Fell, December

Paw Patrol, created by Keith Chapman, February 17 - July 17
Spirit Rangers, created by Karissa Valencia, May 8

Graphic Story:
Beneath the Trees, Where Nobody Sees, written and illustrated by Patrick Horvath, issues #1 and #2, IDW Comics
Animal Pound, written by Tom King, illustrated by Peter Gross, issue #1, Boom! Studios
Capwolf and the Howling Commandos, written by Stephanie Phillips, illustrated by Carlos Magno, issues #1 and #2

General Literature:
Howard the Duck One-Shot, written by Chip Zdarsky, illustrated by Joe Quinones, Marvel Comics, November
It's Jeff! One-Shot, written by Kelly Thompson, illustrated by Gurihiru, Marvel Comics, November
Marvel Unleashed trade paperback, written by Kyle Starks, illustrated by Jesus Hervas, Marvel Comics, November
Rocket Raccoon: Marvel Tales trade paperback, written by Bill Mantlo, illustrated by Mike Mignola, Marvel Comics, November

Baldur's Gate III, developed and published by Larian Studios, released August 3


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