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The Cartoon Movie 2024 projects have been posted. These productions aren't a sure thing yet. Several look interesting, although almost all are aimed at kids. There are several not-sure titles (monster side-characters, pre-school stuff, etc), and limited information - but I might look out for these:

Dr. Howl. Anthro dog veterinarian.
Finding Home. Arctic animal journey.
Flamin­go Flamenco. And a lizard dance manager.

Lou's Winter. Anthro alpine goat and some kind of beast?
Niko: Beyond the North­ern Lights. More of this reindeer franchise I've not watched.
Out of Frame. Dogs and the history of painting.

Spike. A de-horned rhino's journey.
The Impos­si­ble Journey. Imaginary friends and growing up, so they'll probably fade away or something sad. Huge blue space cat though!
The Polar Bear Prince. Cursed to be a bear by day.


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