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Some news (well, maybe more rumors; I'm mostly getting this from d-list "entertainment news" sites and the social media formerly known as X, so I'm not even bothering linking, honestly) on Kung Fu Panda 4 (which is supposed to be getting a trailer tomorrow, so I guess we'll know soon), but Awkwafina will be voicing Zhen, a fox thief who is apparently Po's new Dragon apprentice. Cool, but also kind of obvious. Also cool, but obvious, Ke Huy Quan will also join the voice cast; don't even have a rumor on species or role. Really cool because it's very not obvious, but Viola Davis is apparently the villain, the Chameleon (which seems to be more of a title than species, but probably a reptile).

I will link to this one, but we do seem to have been given a look at Zhen, and judging by her grey color, this might be a rare case where a fox is not one of the red/fennec/Arctic trinity. Probably Corsac (and the Kung Fu Panda wiki does agree with me), because actual grey foxes are North American, and while Tibetan foxes would be more of the "Chinese" foxes, they also are the ones with that wonky face, and Zhen (if that is Zhen) just isn't giving that (though she is giving pretty strong DreamWorks face, of course!). Interestingly enough, early synopsis seems to have misgendered Zhen, referring to the character with male pronouns.


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