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Some people can deal with being around authority and those kind of situations better than others.

If you are capable of doing so, then by all means, do not change your plans one iota.

However, if you are like the person who tweeted that they have a disability and the elevator shutdowns impacted their ability to leave, the reminder of a way to avoid it could be golden to others that have disabilities to avoid facing similar strain this year.

Everyone's different, even in the queer community. Some people fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. This "solution" was more for those who are conflict adverse (flight/freeze/some combination there of). Fighters and fawners can probably handle themselves.

I'll put some faith that hopefully AC will have fixed the issue, they have a decent enough track record. Just be prepared.

But let's put it another way. Can you imagine how freaked out the cops would be if a bustling convention center at 4:30PM turned into a dead ghost town by 5:30? That they spent all the time planning an operation to cattle us, but then there is no one to cattle. If as you say cops treat everyone this way, and you feel they get joy out of pushing people out of the spaces, remove their joy.

We already had our's.


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