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Look, whether or not preemptively banning Saphy was the right thing to do or not back then, it's beside the point, because it makes ANW look hypocritical for trying to be the "forgive and forget" convention now. That's the point. Was Saphy an asshole? Probably. Are the people running ANW assholes? Most likely. Are you an asshole? I don't know you, but I'm going to play the odds and take that bet. Am I an asshole? I can actually cite sources on that one, if you want!

My point is, who fucking cares? And the answer to that is you, which brings us back to not knowing you. You need to back up and realize that until we do know who you are and why you care, we can't take your word, and that includes your linked "sources", which are now tainted by having come from you. Sure, you could be someone who is genuinely interested in the cause of justice. You could also be a victim of something Saphy did or said. You could also be ANW staff member trying to get ahead of a PR disaster. You could be an old roommate of Saphy who just still has a grudge they didn't do the dishes enough. You could just be a bored asshole. You could be Donald fucking Trump. We don't know!

Okay, that last one does seem unlikely.

The point is, give it a rest. If you are here for genuine reasons, and have legitimate reasons for wanting to remain anonymous (which is admittedly on the Wheel of Possibilities), you should still probably stop now because you not only aren't helping, you can't. Not this way.

Less in reply to the anon, more in general comment about the press release situation in general, but this is why I get annoyed when you guys talk to me about "the community". This is the community. Like, someone felt the need to say, basically, "you know, maybe we could try and be nice for a while", the immediate response from the entire rest of the furry fandom is "FUCK THAT SHIT AND FUCK YOU, DIE ALREADY" and the ass of it is this is probably the correct response, Sonious instantly goes and digs up an example of when they hypocritically did not follow their own advice, and the general reaction from the peanut gallery to the article he writes about it is "ANW was NOT MEAN ENOUGH to that guy".

I mean, wow.


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