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Snakething was in Saphy's trolling chat before being detected. The crime ring leaked out because his trading partner Cupid was caught and became a liability to their secrecy. Nacho, in your screenshot, was the person who first reported Cupid in this news article. She was an abuse victim, but also a criminal and was arrested herself, that's how she was being blackmailed with abuse videos she was in (you can see blackmail charges in the article). It can be the case that abusers prey on each other but nobody is perfectly innocent.

Incidentally nacho was anthroNW staff, that was before things came out, but was certainly known to the chair. There is an iceberg of context missing from the blog here.

Your screenshot also shows infamous zoophile Akari

You posted a blog about this out of context without making effort to get context, and the failure is not somehow readers fault. This should have been held back from publishing at the editing stage.


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