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Uh, did you mean to reply to me, because I'm not sure we disagree, here?

Or probably you just read the first paragraph where I did take a potshot at the ACLU (I mean, they take edge cases a lot of times, that's where they get the experience for their authority), but I'm literally saying "yeah, they're gonna use these laws to fuck us because they want to fuck us". My point is literally they're not going to go after Shakespeare because Shakespeare's not gay (well, one does hear things, but that's off topic).

As far as bootlicking goes, I literally called out the conservative convention that literally licks the boots of the far right, and said "they're also fucked" because I know that it doesn't matter. The people behind these types of laws hate furries, so they will try to destroy furry. It doesn't matter if it's clean, kinky, conservative, liberal, straight, gay, paper, plastic, if it's a furry convention, they want it dead because it's furry.

If there's disagreement here, it's a "spirit of the law" versus "letter of the law". If the Florida law was perfectly written and not vague at all, they'd still use it to fuck Megaplex because they want to fuck Megaplex. Likewise, they're not going to fuck Shakespeare, because they don't want to fuck Shakespeare.

The ACLfuckingU may have experience arguing in court, but in the real world, it's a pretty fucking stupid argument they got there. I don't know why you care so much about the ACLU's honor here, they're not going to fuck you either, because they don't want to fuck you, nobody does. In conclusion, I'm on your side, you fucking idiot, what are you even doing here?


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