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Look, guy who reviewed the fucking trailers before Zootopia when you have never done that before or since because you were annoyed I wrote about and tried to share something that brought me joy because "I don't like Disney, they're a corporation, did you know that?" or whatever banal stick you had up your ass and you decided you were going to parody the whole thing I was trying to do; that really hurt, man. It's been seven years, and I really kind of hate you a little for that one. Like, I josh on Rakuen all the time, but I actually mostly try to avoid you, because I don't like your tone. Just because you take out your anger passive aggressively doesn't give you the moral high ground, it just makes you more annoying.

Or maybe I read the intentions of that bit of your review incorrectly, and I've spent the last seven years harboring an unhealthy grudge for no reason. It happens! But your comment still is hypocritical; write to communicate better.

Also, you step on all my jokes when you edit my reviews. That's ... your job, so never mind that one. But lay off me. Or at least go after the fucking asshole anon while you're fucking bitching, this constant fucking targeting of me and me alone while letting everyone else off the hook is actually not helping me be nicer, guys.


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