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I try not to overthink such things otherwise we get into the "I wanted Orange" kind of thinking -

Obviously I'm going to have biases, and obviously people are going to vote based on things like timing whether consciously or subconsciously. DogPatch did have a lot of dry periods in 2022. Their last article was in Sept 2022 before they made some posts in 2023, but most people don't analyze all that much when they vote. But hey, they're voting this year at least.

Interestingly, your response to my article about voting systems being "It's just awareness dumbdumb" works in response to this as well. We don't advertise all that much, especially during the Ursas. There are other factors at play as well. Even if the quantity of content for DogPatch is less than our's he does have a larger social network and fan group that he engages with offsite, which helps in something like... a popularity contest.

And yes, some articles and leadership that has contrarian view points to the mainstream of the fandom can have a negative impact as well. But, I think trying to shift this to just win some kind of award may be problematic just as making clickbait headlines that draw attention by stirring unnecessary emotions, mislead, or obfuscate the actual content in the mainstream can be.


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