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"I'd say nothing in Dragoneer's history indicates he has any particular bug up his butt about cub porn."

History would actually indicate to contrary... HE SECRETLY ~LIKES~ IT....

(Exhibit A) -- Dragoneer wrote in ~defense~ of people's right to make whatever art they want to make, and at some point, there was a plan to implement Tagging & Blacklist so people who don't like it / do like it could just stay out of each other's way.... He said he "hates cub art with a passion" but doesn't want to take away the other users' rights... (that attitude clearly didn't last long)

(Exhibit B) -- Dragoneer used to go by Preyfar and at one point he had art of his Purple Hyena Cub Fursona in the Softpaw Magazine.... and even beyond the Softpaw Magazines, he had art of his Hyena Cub posing with Edis Krad's character and there was other art he had done by Shiuk as well.




I am not a big fan of "Cancel Culture" but I also am not a big fan of HYPOCRISY either. If he truly ~always~ had a stick up his rear about "da evil cub pr0nz" -- why would he even have his Fursona in SoftPaw in the first place?

And why write a big long Forum Post about how "We won't ban the art, we will implement tags / blacklists and let the users decide what they want to view or not." He literally made reference to the same exact Legal Statute that I make reference to ---- "US code Title 18, Chapter 2256" in his Opening Statement in that Archived Forum Post.


..... Cornell Law, 18 U.S. Code 2256.


"Section 9" & "Section 11."


"What if somebody views rape art on FA and decides to go rape a person? What if somebody sees inflation art and attempts to inflate themselves in real life, and ends up hurting themselves? Or what if somebody sees a furry character doing drugs and decides to go inject heroine into their testicles?

At what point does the responsibility become ~ours~ or that individual's? We CANNOT be responsible for people who have PRE-EXISTING mental issues and may be set off [triggered] by what they see, because if something ~IS~ going to set them off, it could be anything!"

Oh Dragoneer, you used to be so logical you could pass for a Vulcan.

What changed you?


"Censorship is a blunt instrument. It's not a scalpel -- it's a club."

"If you don't stand up for the stuff you don't like, when they come for the stuff you do like, you've already lost." ~~Neil Gaiman


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