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Yeah, I think "trying to acquire clarity" was the wrong move. I think the vagueness was a feature, not a bug.

Honestly, I think a lot people are assuming Dragoneer is 100% behind everything bad that happens at FurAffinity because they don't like Dragoneer. If I can offer my neutral perspective of "I don't really give a fuck", I'd say nothing in Dragoneer's history indicates he has any particular bug up his butt about cub porn; if anything, having to ban popular works by a popular artist like Argon Vile seems like something he would want to avoid if he could. If I can impute negative motivations to the guy, because why not, everyone else has, I'd say he's a "clout chaser" who's primarily after popularity, not some power-hungry, control freak autocrat. This seems to be something he's being pressured into, which means either an outside party, or he's got a recent friend/admin who does have a bug up their butt about it.

But the vagueness of the ruling implies to me that nobody really does. Look, if FurAffinity actually gave a shit about this stuff, and/or Dragoneer was on a power trip, they'd just ban it, and the artists that make it. I mean, when I said earlier that this rule bans cub porn badly, I meant that. It doesn't actually do much; it's basically saying "it's bannable if an admin says it's bannable", which opens up the possibility that the admins won't say anything at all. Yes, you can point out that it is getting stuff banned, but I'd point out if they're being pressured into this, they're going to have to sacrifice something, and it might as well be the guy who approached them and is all like "hey, like, is the baby in this porn I drew, you know, underage?" I mean, duh!


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