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"other Pokémon such as Cubchoo, Cubone, Torchic, Ralts, Eevee, and Gothita, and Digmon such as Agumon, Impmon, Gatomon, and Veemon as these characters have childlike proportions or look like adolescent humans or animals."

Are you kidding me? While I don't know about all of these characters, Cubone and Eevee are not cubs nor do they look like child-like proportions. If I recall right, worry is reasonable if it actually looked like actual humanoid children, but for a fictional four-legged creature like those, it's usually no longer simulating humanoid proportions thus no longer having the issue. I got the feeling that whoever was in charged of this made this out of personal perversion rather than in worry that some people could legally get in trouble and seeing they are including non-cub Pokemon that don't look like humanoid children shows a lot of this. Seriously, what exactly is the point of having the rules do this?

What's next, banning adult characters for differently matured Disney characters just because Earth years are technically below 18?


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