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On the other end of the spectrum, I will note, that the amendment over-defines by adding the definition for "Prurient interest", a phrase in the original text of the law [7-d-ii] that the original lawmaker felt was easy enough to understand without spelling it out further. However, the amending legislator, for some reason or another, felt the need to clarify [7-h].

If there is any evidence of the mental erosion of the individuals we are placing into the seats of law creation and amendment, this would be exhibit A.

It must also be noted that the added section 7-d-ii-D basically is redundant with with section 7-d-ii. Emphasis added to blockquote below:

[7-d](ii) any of the following material that exploits, is devoted to, or principally consists of descriptions of
actual, simulated, or animated display or depiction of any of the following, in a manner patently offensive with respect to minors:


[7-d-ii] (D) any animation of sexual acts that appeal to prurient interest

By having that redundancy, it actually could narrow the impact of the original text's statement of "animated desplay" in subsection ii to apply to all the ensuing sub-subsections...

I'm just a layman guys, this amendment is fucking raw... this being a final draft is an embarrassment to the person who created the original law in the first place.

Luckily it's not as potentially harmful as the Oklahoma one that was covered earlier this year.


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