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As a furry YouTuber myself, this news deeply saddens and breaks my heart. I hoped the furry YouTuber community would be better than this.

Engaging in copyfraud not only discredits the entire furry YouTuber community, but it also goes against the values we cherish like creativity and integrity. We should be promoting and supporting each other's content, not tearing it down.

The impact of these false copyright claims can be devastating for content creators who rely on their channels for their livelihood or personal expression. It also harms the overall reputation of the furry community, as we strive to create a positive and supportive space for one another.

It is ironic that the same person filing false copyright claims is also potentially infringing on others' copyrighted content. This behavior is unacceptable and must be addressed. The furry community should unite against such practices and strive for a more ethical and supportive environment.

As a furry YouTuber, I am disheartened by this news. It is our responsibility to protect our community's values and promote a supportive atmosphere. Let's work together to ensure the furry community remains a positive and creative space for all.


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