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You're on the wrong site - the AI art goes on Over 2,000 pieces so far. Don't know how much traffic it gets by comparison but I imagine not much yet.

Furry art isn't just leisure. It's work for furry artists. It is desired by furry commissioners as a product; not just to make themselves, but to represent themselves to others (e.g. for con badges or online roleplay). What you seem to be saying is equivalent to "there's no point in making films/games as a product, for consumption, the fun is in making them." Which may be true in some cases, but I can assure you that games at least are enjoyable just to have and share with friends and a lot of work for those who make them, too.

AI art is great if you want to create pictures (optionally sharing them with others) without having the skills or physical ability to create them. It may still take different skills and time to refine it to what you want, but it may take far less time to acquire them and create a palatable result.

Work is ongoing on making sustained/persistent generation, it's totally not there yet in video but I can also see it getting a lot better. To me it seems quite feasible to go from one dimension to another.


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