Furry as a community would perish if AI was allowed to continue rampaging havoc. The whole of the evolution of the furry movement was reliant on the creative expression of marginalised groups. Luddites such as the Socialists warned about the "great replacement" e.g. in Soviet films like the "Loss of Sensation", while nazi films promoted the replacement of human workers and artists through mechanisation. AI leeching off of marginalised groups is not far off how white cishet people had leeched of the black and LGBTQIA+ movements in the music industry. There's a lack of compensation and AI ideologists, being capitalistic consumerists, want more and more instead of valuing human life and labor rights. The world is increasingly seeing state reliance on corporations (aka state-corporate fasces mergers, fascism). It is a libertarian crackpot far-right view that AI ideologists hold. All that AI does is make sure everyone who works hard suffers and everyone who leeches and doesn't bother essentially gets all they want. That is not just unfair, it's a warrant for a third world war, and is the reason why many countries went to war in the last world wars. Labourers won't stand for that, nor will they stand for the "superior" AI/transhuman race aka the new-man myth. Fascists should not get to define what the future is for all humans or take bullyish positions over others, especially when it harms minorities and the most important person of all, the communitarian individual. Not only is it undemocratic, it's a form of ideological terrorism to attack the arts and its humanities.
Furry as a community would perish if AI was allowed to continue rampaging havoc. The whole of the evolution of the furry movement was reliant on the creative expression of marginalised groups. Luddites such as the Socialists warned about the "great replacement" e.g. in Soviet films like the "Loss of Sensation", while nazi films promoted the replacement of human workers and artists through mechanisation. AI leeching off of marginalised groups is not far off how white cishet people had leeched of the black and LGBTQIA+ movements in the music industry. There's a lack of compensation and AI ideologists, being capitalistic consumerists, want more and more instead of valuing human life and labor rights. The world is increasingly seeing state reliance on corporations (aka state-corporate fasces mergers, fascism). It is a libertarian crackpot far-right view that AI ideologists hold. All that AI does is make sure everyone who works hard suffers and everyone who leeches and doesn't bother essentially gets all they want. That is not just unfair, it's a warrant for a third world war, and is the reason why many countries went to war in the last world wars. Labourers won't stand for that, nor will they stand for the "superior" AI/transhuman race aka the new-man myth. Fascists should not get to define what the future is for all humans or take bullyish positions over others, especially when it harms minorities and the most important person of all, the communitarian individual. Not only is it undemocratic, it's a form of ideological terrorism to attack the arts and its humanities.