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Like the copyrights I have for my 90 stories here? Or my over 200 art/story submissions on various sites? I've also got scientific articles, a couple hundred personal blog posts and so on. Pretty much all of which are shared freely. The only exceptions are some early scientific papers because we didn't have funding for open access but which I try to do when possible.

I think you're setting a much higher bar for AI generated art than anyone else which makes me think you're trying to have a different discussion. Looking at the rules many furry sites are going with, they are counting it even with AI assistance for a background or something. I've actually made those same arguments as you (; that AI generation is a tool and people using it to make art will need to learn their own skills to get the best results.

It's not that creativity will be "easy," it's that it will be more accessible. AI can help bring ideas into existence but you still need to have the ideas and something to provide as a prompt. What Lowd and I are saying is that there are people that have creative ideas, perhaps great ideas, but lack the skills required to share those ideas with others. If someone who has a really cool story in his head but no time to write a novel or learn how to draw can use AI and prompts to bring that idea into a form which can be shared with others, then that is good.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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