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I did an article on short animations here:

On Non-Fiction I have an excel sheet of some items that I can list here, ranking in sort of order that I think its reception was made in the fandom (excluding Flayrah articles):

1) Furries are Leading the War Against a Book Banning Mayor:

2) How an Urban Myth about Litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point:

3) Furries speak out about alleged Portland Shooter:

4) Fired by Starbucks, Union Organizer Now Wears His Fursuit to Rallies:

5) [Furry Author] Furry fandom, aesthetics, and the potential in new objects of fannish interest

6) Pursuit of the fursuit; The joys of being furry and making friends:

On video games I did a couple of reviews in 2022 on the actual games themselves. Tunic is probably one of my new all time favorites, and if I were a kid it is one that I would definitely had spent more time with like I did with Sonic games back in the day. Yes it is beating out Sonic, which is good but not Tunic good. Have a Klonoa review to get out the door before nominations close, will probably not be able to review Sonic by the time nominations come around, it's quite a meaty game.

Reviews actually done:
* Tunic -
* TMNT Shredder's Revenge -


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