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Note that since I made a big deal about the new DreamWorks Animation studio bumper, I might update that, ever since Trolls 3, it changed, and Madagascar and Puss in Boots were both added in, replacing Kung Fu Panda and Trolls (which means that they seem to be avoiding putting franchise representatives in front of their own movie, as the same variant played in front of Kung Fu Panda 4), while the non-furry The Boss Baby was also replaced by the non-furry The Croods. The Spirit horse movies the only multi-film series to not appear, while the Bad Guys are still the only one movie wonders. The Bad Guys are also one of the three franchises that have retained their spot in both variations, with How To Train Your Dragon and Shrek (which is apparently seperated out from Puss in Boots).

I guess I prefer the new variation, as The Croods>The Boss Baby, Puss in Boots>Trolls and though I would prefer Kung Fu Panda over Madagascar in general, the 3rd Madagascar movie is still one of my all time favorites.


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