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I wonder if it may have a good shot at the Annie (I'm serious, it does everything GDT's Pinocchio does except better, hasn't spent the last couple months backhanding the competition/setting up a backlash, and DreamWorks still has a solid contingent within the Annie voting body) which might make it a spoiler at the Oscars, giving Turning Red the win.

At the Ursas, it's got "new hotness", so that might take it over The Bad Guys, but I'm not counting that movie out, yet, either. I haven't seen a movie embed itself in e621 quite the way that movie has since, well, Zootopia. After all, while Puss in Boots has a hunky wolf, The Bad Guys has a hunky wolf and a sexy vixen. That's not a bad combo for the Ursas!


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