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You seem like you've got some big questions about the fandom, and some unique trains of thought about trends as well. This was an interesting read and I wonder what the upcoming one will be like. :D

I am something of a con attendance number nerd myself, and the line in your article about not having the money to travel to them all hit home with me. I have been working long hours to go well out of my way from my west coast Vancouver area Canadian comfort zone to travel to cons all over North America. So if you've got anything you'd like to discuss about what makes all those cons so different from each other, I offer myself as a living resource! I've definitely taken public transit to these cons from the airport a time or two! And I've done DenFur twice now, it's a great con.

The only "criticism" I have is one that was already said, assuming Anthrocon is "the biggest" or the best example. It hasn't rightfully held the title in some time for "biggest ever", and while I have not yet done the con myself, I find a lot of the rest of the Top 10 most attended to have some really well rounded con experiences. I've loved Further Confusion, Texas Furry Fiesta and Megaplex the most I think (but the latter two are in transitional phases now that they've grown out of their longtime venues, so new waters await them both).

And congrats on speaking Spanish! My roots are Mexican, but I sadly do not speak much more than conversational Spanish. Darn forced Canadian bilingualism! Didn't even work.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz


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