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Although you gave me a comprehensive comment, I'll try my best to give a brief reply. Only because a lot of the things you brought up are also things that other commenters brought up, and many of which I already agreed with.

The Macro Furs thing was forced upon me by the editor lol.

You're absolutely right that there is plenty of momentum in Europe, but I think there's demand for big conventions in Europe. Paris Comic Con had an attendance of about 30,000 according to the website, which is 3 times more than MFF in 2019.

Some complains about phrasing is honestly me being a lot newer to writing in general, and simply something I can improve upon.

I've noted that bigger =/= better for furry conventions in other comments.

In terms of my views on wealth and inclusivity, it's true that the growth of the furry fandom is more complex than simple economics. Perhaps I should've stated that as people become richer, they're obviously more able and thus more likely to go to a convention in the first place, of any kind really. I don't see how not trying to be "inclusive," in your words, in any way detracts from the story.

The vast majority of commenters entirely missed the point of this article, which was to see what kinds of conclusions we can draw about the furry fandom by looking at the biggest conventions. This misses some historical context, as I am new to the fandom and don't know all of the best place to find resources of its history, but I still think that there are some interesting points raised in here. Perhaps I should do more research into European conventions so I can be more informed in the future (and maybe make another piece about how European conventions differ from American ones, namely in its history). It is very clear and obvious that I have a lot of growing to do as a writer, and perhaps some more opinion pieces for what I think about things, especially furries given the site we're on.


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