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Thanks for the reply! My point is that if you are going to go to the effort to make an article and a new map when one already exists, you should have a well thought out definition of what a con is and isn't. If you had just said "this is a map of only hotel fur cons," that would have been fine.

IMO, the main criteria that makes a con different from something like an open invite furmeet: It has a higher level of organization than a furmeet or houseparty. Often: a con-chair, staff, volunteers, a schedule, multiple defined spaces for different purposes, registration fees that pay for lots more than just the venue/food/drinks, etc.

It doesn't matter if it is indoors or outdoors. I don't think most people would consider Burning Man a meet.

The number of attendees doesn't matter either. First year hotel fur cons often only get around 100-300 attendees.


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