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On the parenthesis item about MFF becoming bigger than AC this year, I would argue that MFF has been bigger than AC since it passed its attendance rate in 2017:

Indicating that AC was larger than MFF because AC 2022 was bigger than MFF in 2021, I did not consider fair for 2 reasons:

1) AC 2021 was not held, so technically the attendance was zero for an in person event (virtual I'm not sure).

2) MFF 2021 was at a very percarious time when the hotel and US industry were pushing hard to get people to come back, but many furs were still not comfortable about attending so soon. Thus causing a dip in attendance, one that disappated a bit by the time AC came back in 2022, and clearly is more disipated now for MFF 2022. So to me AC 2022 to MFF 2022 is an apples to apples comparison, where MFF 2021 is an outlier due to circumstances outside the convention.

I will highly agree on the capacity for furry conventions to be a good way to have an excuse to go outside and see the world while being part of a culture that is a bit more familiar to fall back on. Especially given the strength of the US dollar compared to those of other countries as we all deal with inflation (but some worse than others). So the next few years may be a good time to do foreign travel if a U.S. furry was considering such expeditions.

This unfortunately works both ways, as at least one foreign fur who attended MFF this year has indicated that it's a bit expensive for them to get what is in essence an experience where they are spread really thin to meet the people they want to meet.


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