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Honestly? Fair enough. I still think there's a significant difference between camping conventions (Like Camp Feral) and hotel conventions like the ones I focused on above, if mostly because of an inherent and purposeful different of venue.

I also think that camp conventions can be limited in space, as camp grounds aren't usually meant to store as many people as hotel conventions are. Since I have an attendance requirement for a lot of the cons I talked about, that's why I'm mostly focusing on hotel conventions. Plus, they're uh... more well known.

I'm also quite new to the fandom, so I wasn't really familiar with a lot of camping conventions, in all honesty. I do think that it is worth talking about camping conventions, and I think that a big camping convention sounds awesome (renting out an entire campground for a whole weekend... mua ha ha). I just didn't have the time to talk about it here, I guess.


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