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On one hand, it's clearly the younger version of Rocket embracing Lylla, so it's looking like that's a flashback scene. She was killed off in flashback in the Guardians of the Galaxy TellTale game, which makes me think they aren't doing this, since it's already been done, and not in the comics. Like, I give Gunn enough credit to be both aware of the TellTale game and not just remake it. The movies seem to be ignoring Halfworld (or at least if some location gets called Halfworld, it's going to be completely new with the just the name and maybe "lifted" animals running around) which is fair, because even the comics retconned Halfworld basically out of existence (one of the few Abnett/Lanning takes on the Guardians characters that was actually a mistake in my opinion); my guess is Rocket (and Lylla and maybe a few other characters) were earlier experiments of the High Evolutionary, while the Your Animal Town, U.S.A. (which may be called "Halfworld") setting is more recent experiments. Of course, Gunn did Ego the Living Planet in such a way that it was both a "more realistic" version of the character but in a twist is also a completely accurate portrayal of the goofy comic book concept, so there may be a twist where Halfworld is Halfworld, after all. In the 2000s comics, Rocket was made to specifically forget the "real, depressing" Halfworld to protect it and the Halfworld full of goofy shit from the 70s was false memories created for him; an interesting twist might be to flip that, where "depressing, I got experimented on against my will, angst!" Halfworld is a false memory created and the goofy 70s shit is the real movie Halfworld (up to and including the Incredible Hulk having once visited during his "outcast in space" phase).

If that's the case, I just hope Rocket doesn't get cucked by a rabbit again, though.

As far as Rocket dying, the popular speculation is all the Guardians are going out in a heroic send-off. The Adam Warlock stuff makes me think someone will survive, as his comic book backstory is way to complex to do both him and all the Halfworld/High Evolutionary shit at the same time, and also you don't introduce Pip the Troll in The Eternals and never get him, Adam and Gamora together at some point, even if it's not Gunn who does it.


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