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Oh man, the hate crew is out for this one. I admit, I did try rating this story one star, just to see the front-page folding in action. Bad, I know, but I fixed it.

For me, fifth and sixth gen are where it's at, maybe third. Do I know the final evolutions offhand? Absolutely not, except for Serperior, and even then I didn't know the one in-between. But I also have plenty stuck in my brain from particular associations with fursonas or art, games and stories

This points to Pokémon's real problem: that they have way too many Pokémon, and everyone has their favourite, so they can't get rid of any of the generations from games without someone kicking up a fuss. And of course everyone wants something new from the next one.

There are only ~5,400 known mammals out there, many of which are more the equivalent of shiny or regional variants. Recognizable creatures outside that class are limited. Eventually there will be more 'mon than there are viable species for them to crib off of, unless we want to have, like, a bunch of big generations, or more machines and essentially animated rocks that nobody (except that guy) wants.


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