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I think one issue as some others pointed out is that some of the recent bipedal starters are more like 'characters', rather than a species type. Because some of these Pokemon has more of a limited specific personality, it's harder to feel free with imagination.

Charizard is on two legs, but he actually looks more like an species of their own. Incineroar looks like some cat alien character that worked out a lot and looks like he/she is already champion of some boxing tournament.

Another issue is that it feels like certain species that are naturally on fours, just for some reason weirdly becomes bipedal, every time! Like every time there is the recent 'furry' Pokemon, the Pokemon becomes bipedal. Never a chance at being "feral" shaped. It's like that if in gen 10 and there was a canine/feline/vulpine type, you could predict that will be bipedal and you would likely be right.


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