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Huh? I posted an image that popped into my mind about someone not able to feel something based on the quoted text. If anything I would've thought that applied to the people you were talking about (Kratos himself is well-known for letting his feelings show).

You brought up this 'bitch' thing and I don't get why, though I guess you weren't happy about the linked comment. If I'd wanted to call you that, I'd have used this video instead.

If you're tired, take a rest. That's what the weekend is for, in theory, although that might not apply to your work (and sadly, it usually just means more work for websites).

As for 2013-15: it wasn't just IB, though that was a big part of it - I was moving back to the UK, which was decidedly non-trivial after a decade in the US, and getting harassed by activists. Keeping Flayrah up was what I could manage.


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