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Yeah, I get your use of "hack", I've notably used it myself that way, but, like, there were other comments in the same thread that were not using it that way, and context matters.

Honestly, it doesn't make much sense when you spend significant time on stories that you presumably want to be read.

Not really. I don't find myself writing for Flayrah's "audience" anymore. Like, I've had too many bad first, second, third, fourth and so on impressions of these people to really care anymore about what impression I'm making on them. I'm basically writing for a (probably imaginary) future audience of mainly non-furries who care more about furry as a genre than a group of people. Like, my secret Flayrah goal is to publish enough movie reviews to make a book, and if it doesn't go to mainstream publisher, than I just rather not do it period, even if some furry publisher wants it.

I don't even really like furries, you know. As a group they're pretentious, backstabbing, envious, boring, tasteless, over-sexed, undercooked, lazy, mean-spirited, snotty, uninteresting, uninterested, self-satisfied, and no good in bed! I mean, you remember vaguely bo/PoE. Like, I find myself getting nostalgic for those forums because I honestly miss how nice everyone was. And I was nicer, too, because wasn't constantly surrounded by people attacking me but actually supporting me. Even when I got into a fairly nasty fight later on, like, it never devolved to the point where anyone pettily chased me around the forum downvoting everything I posted. That's just fucking stupid, but it happens all the fucking time here.

And, to be clear, I'm not just complaining about how I'm treated; every regular here (except maybe dronon) has had this happen to them, to the point where complaining about it became Diamond Man's entire personality (and then he'd do it himself, because he's on another level of awful). I just know it's happened to you, hasn't it? Furries are just mean to each other. It's gross.

Maybe everyone else is passive aggressive and I'm more aggressive aggressive, but being passive aggressive doesn't make you morally superior, it just makes you more annoying.

And idiots, too. Look at the idiot commenting on the actual subject of this article, like Disney needs to pander to fucking furries? Some of these idiots actually think Pokemon panders to them; the fucking largest cash cow franchise in the fucking world, and they think Nintendo's all like "oh, dear, if we don't get those furry dollars, we're in trouble!" Fuck! I literally feel the need to explain "that was a joke" after every joke comment now. (While we're here, I haven't actually fucked any furries, I don't know how they are in bed, ending a rant consisting of a list of negatives that way is a common comedy trope, maybe even a little hacky, actually, but that's what that was.)

Also, what kind of idiot reads the comments before the article? That's a bad reader. Fuck them. I don't want them.

But, anyway, you did just kind of call me a bitch, Green Reaper. That's new. Going the other, way, this is probably the meanest you've been. I guess I got the impression you at least did kind of regret how the entire 2014-2016 Flayrah versus Inkbunny thing went down, but, like, I hope it's more about "I kind of left them on their own for a while" and not "I kind of left them on their own for a while in the care of an unstable asshole".

I do see that I totally sabotaged your attempts at diplomacy. Oops. But, like I'm saying here, even when I do play nice, people are still assholes to me, you, and Flayrah as a whole. That's what I'm bitching about with the Zootopia stuff. When I get the exact same reaction to "let's have some fun, guys" as "crossie cranky", it's a bit beside the point. I've defaulted to the first in my articles and the second in my comments, and that's the best you're probably going to get from me.

Because I literally said, hey, let's have some fun and talk about an upcoming movie that might be fun, and your response was to call me a bitch.

I'm just tired, man.


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