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Well, this certainly brings thought. I certainly don't want to gatekeep someone's relationship with their media/fandoms -- i'll get kicked out of this one right fast! But I was there for the Night Crew. I was there for the morning show guys invading Frolicon. We don't have 'enemies' or 'antagonists' as much as we are an easy "dork with a 'kick me' sign" for people looking for someone to bully. So I understand being a bit anxious about whether we're letting our doom in by the front door. On the other hand, that would make Lil' Nas X a perfect guest -- he obviously doesn't mind getting called a 'deviant' and (probably) wouldn't throw us (furries) under the bus if anyone asked about his attending a furry con.

And it is a matter of social standing. FWA, one assumes, wants to provide needed connections for furry artists while also, themselves, connecting to a larger community that is inclusive and queer friendly.

So yeah, I guess my take is that if furries are having trouble with encountering the mainstream (and I definitely feel that in my bones), Lil' Nas X is probably not the anticipated trouble to look out for.


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