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This whole thing is nonsense in my opinion. As technology advances, things change in every medium. From the news paper and books, to radio, from radio, to the T.V, from the T,V to the internet and computing technology, so forth and so on. From manual labor, to factory automation, our world is constantly heading towards a society that has a lot more automatization, where manpower will be replaced with robotic counterparts more capable of the tasks, freeing up human society as a whole to progress towards other things.

This AI situation right now is but one small piece trying to teach it, to make it learn, etc. It's detriment towards the progress we need AI to gain to be better functional when it comes to the areas of world building, character creation, and story telling especially when we start using those trained AI data-sets in a pooled collective to teach even more AI that will be creating full interactive VR worlds, so forth and so on. There will always be pushback with new technology, this isn't anything new. But trying to forcefully limit it, or ban it has never gone well. Many have tried in the past, and it all backfired horribly.


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