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You must not use the names of living or recently-deceased creators (within the last 25 years) or their non-commercial characters as prompts without their permission

This is interesting, but I am curious as to why, in case you know or are in control? Is this to appeal to some of the recent backlash against some of AI art? Or is there another reasoning (complicated grey area?)? I won't expect this to change, but I am a little worried about making certain rules to appeal to popular emotional backlash alone though, especially since owning an art style was never moral and therefor never had any real moral ground against copying certain art styles.

Even if having to accept such policy as finalized, the last part feels kinda weird. Wouldn't it make sense if the character thing apply aligned with the age too? What about characters (regardless of profit) that are beyond the death of an author and not recent? What about certain public domain characters? I have a feeling it was intended to be with the age too, but just wanted to say in case.


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