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Okay, that makes sense. But it also tells me that the arguments you are most upset about are not ones that I am making.

You brought up free speech in the comments, not me. While I see a potential to make a free speech argument in favour of AI art, it's not a point I particularly care about nor does any of this seem particularly relevant to free speech. For me, free speech is about the exchange of ideas (including art) and none of this is about banning any particular ideas or content. The exact same picture would be allowed on FA if drawn by a human but banned from FA if generated by an AI, that means that content is not the important part. As I said before, I see the AI as a tool. Banning art that is generated by AI (with some human input in telling the AI what to do) seems equivalent to restricting whether you allow stories that were written by hand versus a typewriter versus a word processor. It's a discussion about the steps in between the idea and the end product.

You are also very much misinterpreting my comparison. I am in no way intend to compare coal mining or lamp lighting to creating art. My comparison was on jobs that were taken away by the progress of technology. If you would prefer, there are jobs that are related to the exchange of ideas which have gone away. For example, jobs involved in the production of physical newspapers and magazines have disappeared as journalism transitioned to digital. Or other creative industries like carpentry. Most people get mass-produced furniture nowadays rather than individually-made pieces by a skilled carpenter. It hasn't completely died but now only the very rich have hand-made furniture by a master craftsman. Same with tailored clothes. I'm sure that those who still make clothes and furniture by hand and to request will tell you that there is art and expression in those crafts too.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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